🇪🇸 Nací a principios de los 80 en Córdoba, donde heredé el interés de mi padre por un instrumento de cuerda, el laúd. Sólo tenía 8 años cuando empecé con él, pero a los 11 ya estaba sediento de shred, por lo que me hice con una guitarra acústica. Algo más cerca de lo que buscaba, sin duda, pero cuando probaba una guitarra eléctrica en casa de algún amigo, se confirmaba la evidencia: anhelaba subir y bajar por el mástil de una eléctrica conectada a un ampli. Algo que acabaría por pasar unos años después, con un poco de ayuda de mi familia. A los 13 años comenzó la locura por la eléctrica.
🇬🇧 I was born in the early 80’s in Córdoba, Spain, and I started playing a 12 strings instrument called Spanish laúd at the age of 8 at school. My father also played this instrument when he was young and thought it was a good idea. But it was at the age of 11, when I was tired of trying to emulate my favourite rock players in this little fretboard, when I became really interested in playing the guitar. By that time my main guitar heroes were Slash, Yngwie Malmsteen, Gary Moore, Steve Vai, John Norum, Satriani… and they were my inspiration for non stop picking. I desired an electric guitar more than anything in the world, but the closest that I had was a just arrived acoustic guitar that was a present to my sister. So I borrowed from my sister that guitar and started my self taught learning. It was cool for a few months but the sound from that acoustic guitar wasn’t what I was looking for… I played several electric guitars from my friends, and that was what I wanted. Every time I had an electric guitar in my hands it was mind blowing, so many cool things to do! So I started saving money for an electric guitar, which took me more than two years… Actually I finally needed the help from my grandmother for buying my first electric guitar, and my father bought me a cheap but effective amplifier. I was 13 then, and that day was the beginning of my madness!